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GHO World Transparent logo
GHO World Transparent logo

Who is Global Health Outreach?

Global Health Outreach is a short-term international missions ministry of CMDA. We are dedicated to providing healthcare while spreading the gospel by sending medical, dental and surgical teams around the world.

What Do We Do?

Each year, we send 40 to 50 mission teams to various areas, including Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Through these trips, we disciple participants, grow national churches, pray with each patient and share the gospel as well as provide care to the poor and needy.

We have a developed patient safety plan, and we focus on utilizing best practices and ethics on our short-term mission trips. We often include additional ministries on our trips, such as public health training, water filter distribution, pastor training and marriage enrichment programs.


How Do We Go?

Our teams minister in outpatient primary care medicine and dentistry, as well as in small and large hospitals to provide surgical services. We partner with those who are focused on ministering to unreached people in challenging areas around the world, where we share our Savior’s love in real, tangible ways.

Who Should Go on Mission?

Anyone who has a heart to serve Jesus Christ through healthcare missions. We welcome all varieties of healthcare professionals, undergraduate students, graduate school students, non-healthcare servants.

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Healthcare mission trips are special. It is quite a journey as you plan and prepare, serve internationally in areas of tremendous need and then try to understand what God was showing you through the entire experience. Something incredibly special happens when healthcare professionals experience an immediate connection with patients, which quickly forges a deep, personal relationship. When you reach out to help the underserved in Jesus' name, it opens doors to gospel conversations. You begin to realize that you are an ambassador for Christ.

A Student Serving in Honduras

“My faith was reaffirmed; I was renewed and recharged spiritually. My life is not meant to be lived for my benefit; instead, I was created to glorify Him, through the benefit of others.”

A Participant on a GHO Trip to Honduras

“Praying with patients openly was a new thing for me. Recognizing that all of the world is the mission ground of God and not just overseas, I am called to be a missionary by default. Also, I am called to surrender my life completely to what God has in store for me, and not plan my own life. I felt God calling me to do more with my life than just get a degree and make a lot of money. I want to further God’s glory to the ends of the earth.”

A Student on a GHO Trip to East Africa

“The medications we prescribed will run out, the surgical patients we treated will get sick again and the dental problems we addressed will recur, but the love of God will never cease.”